Become a Spruce Moose OG Today!

What's a Spruce Moose OG?

For the older ones (including me) O.G stands for original.

I didn’t want the channel merch to be the same as all of the others I see.

The goal of my YouTube channel is to give you as much value as possible through entertainment, tips, tricks and flying vlogs.

So the merch shouldn’t be any different.

Become a "Spruce Moose Aviation O.G"

To create a connection with early supporters of the channel. All items sold up until 10,000 Subscribers will be printed with a “BLUE OG” added to the logo. Once we reach 10,000 Subs, that colour will never be repeated again.

So not only do you get the item of clothing but you also lock yourself in as one of the earliest supporters of Spruce Moose Aviation.

So one day when the channel hits 100,000! 😜 You can show that you were part of the >10% that were there at the start…

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